Changemaker: Ngosa Kulula
Country of Implementation: Zambia
Zambia is ranked fourth lowest performing country in the Southern African region when it
comes to women representation in local government. To change this Ngosa Kulula in
collaboration with ECHO Zambia and Global Changemakers decided to organise a
workshop themed: Young Females Leadership and Civic Engagement Training (YFLACET).
YFLACET workshop 2019 in Lusaka the capital city of Zambia. The cascade training brings together 20 participants between the ages of 16-22 who represent different institutions and organisations that work towards community change selected through a competitive application process. The application was open for participants from all regions in Zambia. This was so that the participants could go back to their institutions and organisations to share what they learnt from the YFLACET workshop.
The workshop provides participants with an opportunity to learn about women's role in
social change through civic engagement and participation and appreciate the results it has
attained so far. It also presented the participants to brainstorm on strategies for further
engagement with the help of Honourable Buumba Malambo, the youngest female
Parliamentarian and Patience Chisenga , an award winning leadership training coach. The
participants pledged support to the cause by signing to go back to their institutions and
organisations and share on all that they learnt through meetings with their peers.