Odaliz Andrea Mamani Tribeño
In the vast lands of Bolivia, Lake Uru Uru, one of the most important lakes in the region, faces a devastating threat: pollution. At the heart of this crisis, more than 2,000 local residents struggle daily with an environment that seems on the brink of extinction.
In a place neglected by laws and action, the Yachay Wasi Uru Uru project has the purpose of tackling the environmental challenges that plague these communities. Its mission: to rescue Lake Uru Uru from pollution and restore its splendor.
Yachay Wasi Uru Uru will embark on an educational adventure at the Villa Challacollo school, where more than 200 students will become environmental guardians. Through teaching sustainable practices, this project will provide children, teenagers, and young people with the tools to confront and mitigate the environmental impacts affecting their home.
With each lesson learned and each action taken, Yachay Wasi Uru Uru will aim not only to heal the lake but also to ignite a flame of hope and change in future generations.
