Changemaker: Leticia Oceguera
This CAP wanted to tackle poverty with education and sustainable development. Its vision was to improve life quality and the economy of the inhabitants of Villamar in Mexico.
The initiators of this project taught at rural schools in Michoacán about climate change. At the same time, there were be business and human rights courses offered to adults of the same community. In addition to these two activities, the initiators also worked with children with dissabilities.
Moreover, one of the main purposes of the project was creating public awareness and conscience about sustainable development. This entailed planting the so called Jatropha Curcus trees which produce bio-combustible, an alternative energy source.
With these activities, it was the goal to improve Villamar’s inhabitants’ lives.
In the end, Projecto Villamar managed to plant about 300 Jatropha Curcas trees. Six groups of students taught more than 50 groups of youngsters at five high schools in Villamar about climate change and business. They led workshops with elderly people as well as with children and enjoyed a day laughing, singing, dancing and painting with the kids of a special education school. To sum up, a team of 28 students made the young and old smile, planted a remarkable amount of trees that produce biodiesel and taught students about climate change and business.