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Siddhi - India

Hi, I’m Siddhi, residing in India. I want to pursue Psychology as my Major. India is a country where LGBTQI conversations are still taboo in many communities. I have taken a step in advocating on behalf of a population that is often shamed into silence. By launching Breaking Barriers, a campaign for LGBTQI rights and awareness, I am helping youth who are bullied and ostracised for their sexuality. As the very first Gay-Straight alliance between Indian schools, Breaking Barriers uses artwork, videos, protests, presentations, and informative, supportive workshops to quell intolerance, spread awareness, and reduce bullying of LGBTQI teens. I have also founded the first international e-magazine for LGBT+ youth to connect, The Thrive Magazine. I am currently working on a holistic sex-education module which can be easily accessed online and be used in any part of the world.


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