Changemaker: Leonardo Duarte
Our goal is to introduce youth of action in the way of the Warrior Without Weapons. In other words, we aim, through practice and experience, to offer each participant, subsides to propose solutions and develop projects in their cities, regions and countries, answering to urgent social and environmental issues we share, respecting the unique identity of each community. Each semester we choose a new community and mobilize and empower them to make their dreams come true using the OASIS methodology.
The OASIS methodology provide guidelines to experiencing transformation in practice, whether it be on a personal level or in a physical space or environment. The experience and implementation of these guidelines for each step lead to the next step and the next, successively strengthening and expanding both individual and group learning. By using this sequence of steps, we encourage individuals to gain a new view of themselves and their potential for action, as well a fresh view of the places where they live, study and work, revealing the beauty, joy and pleasure in each of these places. The seven steps of the OASIS methodology provide a path to achieving a collective dream – awakening within the consciousness of each participant the idea that everything we need to create transformation is within reach – in the here and now. The range of activities also provided during each step stimulates the individual to develop specific skills, helping them to change their outlook, to improve relationships with other people and the environment, and to increase their desire to work toward cooperative action in the realization of a common dream. This semester (2011.2) we are hosting the OASIS Ânima in two communities: Dique Vila Gila, in Santos-SP and in Novo Lajedo, Belo Horizonte-MG. The dreams of each community are: Novo Lajedo – Belo Horizonte/MG - Build a soccer field; - Build a square (meeting point for the community); - Build signposts; - Start the foundation of the building of the community association (still waiting for the local authorities to approve it); Dique Vila Gilda – Santos/SP - Build a playground in the local daycare; - Paint a mural; - Revitalize the garden; This semester we will also suport other two OASIS: OASIS Vila Pantanal: - In partnership with Instituto Elos, the creator of the OASIS Game, we will go to Vila Pantanal community in Santos to do one more OASIS! OASIS Objetivo Sorocaba - This will be a new format of OASIS. We will go through the 7 steps of the methodology, but the dreams that will be realized are still to be decided during the sessions with the students from the school and the dreams must be related to new projects about the 8 Millennium Development Goals. From September till November we expect to mobilize 1200 participants including volunteers and the local community. It’s a big challenge to make community dreams come true, but we do that fast and having lots of fun!
