Meigan is an International Relations student from Mexico with multi-sector experience in the field of International Relations, Youth and Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda). Throughout her journey she has worked with SDG 4,5,12,13,16 and 17.
Meigan served as Mexico's Youth Delegate to the United Nations in 2018 and she participated in the Second Committee of the General Assembly, which involves, financial, economic and development affairs. There, she delivered Mexico's opening speech to the committee and highlighted the importance of complying with specific targets of Goal 17 such as: promoting a universal, rules-based, open, non-discriminatory and equitable multilateral trading system; enhancing the global partnership for sustainable development and considering the importance of technology to reach the Agenda's objectives. Meigan's participation also involved representing Mexico in debates related to cooperation, poverty, climate change and globalization.
In addition, Meigan has worked for the Sustainable Development Goals through two organizations: Involucratec and My World Mexico.
Involucratec, a youth-led organization she founded, helps young people to develop projects linked to social and environmental sustainability. One of Involucratec´s most successful initiatives involves giving free workshops on sustainable development to children and youth in rural areas, public schools and orphanages. Through the workshops, Involucratec has trained more than 3,500 children and 70 young people to become community mobilizers. In November 2019 Involucratec will carry out an event centered on SDG 17 with the aim of gathering representatives of the government, enterprises and NGOs to discuss how each sector contributes to sustainable development and how could they increase their collaboration.
With My World Mexico, SDG 17 target 17.17 "Encourage and promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships…" is also visible. In her role, as a member of the operative team, Meigan has organized public events and given conferences to universities and government ́s consultative councils to align their activities with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Regarding the private sector, Meigan is currently collaborating with VIACOM's Global Youth Advisory Board to give advice and recommendations to their youth-centered campaign Generation Change and in the public scope, Meigan is a member of her municipality's Youth Council.
Meigan is no stranger to partnerships. She is convinced that sustainable development and the world's most challenging issues are solved with collaboration, inclusion and leaving no one behind. That is why, since 2019 she started collaborating with the World Federation of United Nations Associations under the role of Youth Delegate Programme Multiplier to increase youth participation at the United Nations. She is currently mentoring 14 young people from 6 countries to promote inclusive decision-making.