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Marta - Switzerland

Born in Spain and currently living in Switzerland, Marta is an International Relations student. Marta has a broad range of interests which include areas of activism such as children and women’s rights, ecology and youth empowerment. She is and has been involved in numerous youth parliaments and organizations not only in Switzerland (the Youth Commission of the Canton of Vaud and the Forum of the Youth Federal Session) but also at a more European and international level (the EYP, the EYPW and the ASEM Model). Also, Marta has occasionally worked alongside NGOs like Amnesty International and Terre des Hommes – an NGO that selected her as their “Youth Ambassador” in 2014. Appointed in 2017 as the Swiss UNESCO Youth Representative, she had the chance to speak on youth-related matters on behalf of the Swiss delegation at last-year’s SHS Commission meeting of the UNESCO General Assembly. In the future, Marta wishes to further encourage active citizenship by creating spaces for young people in Switzerland to develop either local or national initiatives in line with the UNESCO’s goals and values.


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