My name is Lucas and I am from Brazil.
Since 2015, I have been working with the production and dissemination of knowledge about LGBTQIA + people in Brazil with companies and organizations. My work as a researcher and consultant on LGBTQIA + diversity and inclusion in companies has allowed me to discuss issues such as prejudice and discrimination on grounds of gender and sexuality in projects together with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and also at companies like Nike, Uber, Heineken, Intel, Danone and Dupont.
These activities involve research, data collection, lectures, workshops and seminars that have directly impacted more than 5000 people in Brazil. With the support of the Ford Foundation, in 2019 I was able to coordinate a survey on violence against LGBQIA + people during the 2018 Brazilian elections, which had as a backdrop the choice of leaders against LGBTQIA + rights in Brazil and in several states and cities. From data collection in the three largest Brazilian cities (Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Salvador), the research showed a 51% increase in violence against LGBTQIA + people in the period.
Since then, I have taken on the role of Gender and Sexuality research coordinator at the Brazilian Bar Association (Sao Paulo Section), which has enabled me to participate in projects with a direct impact, such as the elaboration of a census of the trans population in the city of São Paulo.