Changemaker: Mishal Shah
Country of Implementation: Pakistan
In Pakistan, 74% of the informal Sector is made up of domestic Helpers with more than 50% of them being female. The minimum fixed salary of a female domestic helpers is Rs11,000 but the
amount they are being paid is as low as Rs2,000 per month. On interviewing these helpers,
Mishal found out that they are not only uneducated and underpaid but they have an
unlimited potential to learn new skills and earn for their livelihoods. With a team of six in she started Her Story Pakistan, a project aimed at empowering these helpers by working on their education & skills development, for a better life and an increase in their earnings to sustain themselves and often, their families. This project brings untold stories of these Helpers to an international internet audience while creating awareness about their everyday struggles. Her Story Pakistan works through various workshops where speakers came to give basic education to these helpers on topics like pregnancy, health, periods, cleanliness, family planning etc.
Her Story Pakistan has been able to train more than 20 certified helpers with skill sets like
sewing, hospitality management, entrepreneurship etc.
This project also ensured to link these trained women to various industries to give them a
secured employment that will elevate their standard of life.
For more information visit:,
