Changemaker: Zahid Mahmood
The ILM Foundation is a non-profit organisation founded in 2011 by a number of like- minded youth, to tackle the issue of extremism and intolerance within a university setting, a direct response to the UK “Prevent Report” of 2011. We are based in over 8 countries including the UK, Jordan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India and the USA.”
The term “ILM” derives from the Arabic for ‘Knowledge’ and this is the basis of the project -“Acquiring Knowledge”. We will educate and train individuals to tackle the issue of extremism within their communities, breaking down common misconceptions and stereotypes which are portrayed via mainstream Media.
The project is divided into four sub areas: 1. A series of seminars panelled by leading Psychologists, Sociologists, Academics and Faith leaders as a direct response/critique to the “Prevent Report”. A detailed and compact report will be issued with our findings. 2. Counter Extremism Training- Expert training by the CTU for University groups/societies, lecturers and management teams. This will expand into peer to peer trainings which will then branch into local Colleges and Schools. 3. A detailed research case study and “Round Table” on “The issue of Extremism within Stoke-on-Trent” – EDL, Faith Groups, BNP. 4. Workshops- Art, Theatre and Music workshops to break stereotypes and encourage tolerance.
Our initial seminars and training will take place at Keele University, Staffordshire University and Westminster University, branching out to our other bases by 2012.
