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Preguntas frecuentes

Applications for Changemakers applying for the Global Youth Summit 2024 will run from April 26 to May 28. 

Application Video

Does the video have to be well produced and edited?

If applicants wish to edit their videos from more than one take, or if they want to add captions, photos or other materials, they are welcome to do so. However, a well delivered, single-take video of the applicant speaking directly to the camera is just as likely to impress. Applicants should remember that they are not addressing a camera, though, but a team of real people who are looking for potential Changemakers.


However, do note that the sound on the video needs to be clear and audible – if applicants wish to record their videos outside, they may want to use a microphone or at least make sure that there isn’t too much noise that makes it difficult to understand them.


The quality of your video editing or design matters much less than what you have to say, as that is what we are interested in.

What should the video cover?

In their video, applicants should very briefly introduce themselves and then address the following questions:


  • Please tell us what issue or sustainable development goal you are working on?

  • Tell us something about your work to create positive change? This can be about your activism, campaigning and advocacy experience, community work, entrepreneurial activity or volunteering. What do you do? How does it relate to the issue you are working on?

  • How do you think this will change things for the better in your community?

  • What are your plans for the future relating to your community work?

  • Why do you want to become a Global Changemaker?

How long should the video be?

The video should not be longer than two minutes. We will not consider applicants whose videos are longer than those two minutes (+/- five seconds). Therefore, it is important that the answers to the questions above are to the point.


Due to the high number of applications, we receive each year, we only use the application videos during the first round of selection, the written answers in the application form will be used for the second and the final selection rounds.

One thing to keep in mind: the larger your video file is, the longer it will take to upload and the more data it will use. Therefore, we would suggest that you create it in a resolution no higher than 640x480; high-res results in very big file sizes. Most video editors allow you to choose a resolution for the video you’re creating.

Any tips on how to ‘perform’ in front of the camera?

Rather than stopping the recording every time something goes wrong, applicants should keep going and perhaps answer the questions two or three times in a row; they can then choose the best version. (Most computers nowadays have simple video editing software installed, e.g. Windows Movie Maker or iMovie. These makes it easy to choose the best take.)

How can I upload my video?

1. Upload your video to YouTube. Please click here for guidance on how to do so.


When you upload your video, please make it Public (which means that anyone can see it and search YouTube for it), or Unlisted (only people given the link can view it).

We will not be able to view videos set to Private!


When you fill in your application form, you will be asked to provide your video’s direct link.


2. Upload your video on Google Drive. Please click here for guidance on how to do so.


When you upload your video to drive, right click and select "Get shareable link", turn link sharing on, make sure you set the sharing settings to 'anyone with the link can view',

We will not be able to view videos that are not set to 'anyone with the link can view'!

When you fill in your application form, you will be asked to provide your video’s share link.


3. If Google and YouTube are not accessible from your country, try a service such as  For guidance uploading to vimeo, click here . When using vimeo ensure to set the privacy setting to 'Anyone' so that our team may view the video.

When you fill in your application form, you will be asked to provide your video’s vimeo link.


 4. As a last resort, send your video to us at using a file-sharing service such as those listed below. Please use your name as the file name.







You cannot send the video as an e-mail attachment – our mail server will reject any emails with large attachments.

I am having technical problems uploading the video. What can I do?

Before you do anything else, please check the YouTube, Google, Vimeo etc help resources. If they are of no help, please get in touch with us, we’ll help you resolve the problem or find an alternative way of submitting your application video.

As there is always a risk of technical problems, please make sure not to leave recording and uploading the application video until the deadline, as this gives us very little time to solve the problem and as a result, your application may not be considered. (Note that we can only provide technical support on business days.)

Can my video be in a language different from English?

No, all videos submitted should be in English.

Fees and Funding

If I am selected, what expenses will Global Changemakers cover?
For Changemakers selected from outside South Africa, Global Changemakers will cover the flight to and from your country’s main airport, transport within South Africa, food and accommodation for the duration of the summit. For Changemakers already in South Africa, your transport to the summit venue will be covered along with the other expenses.
If I am selected, what expenses are NOT covered by Global Changemakers?
Changemakers who require a visa to enter South Africa will need to arrange and pay for their visa at their own expense while we will provide the supporting invitation documents. They will also need to pay the cost to get to their country's main airport. Also, we will ask all participants to provide proof of health and accident insurance (can be travel insurance) with coverage in South Africa for the duration of the Summit.
Why do you charge an application fee?
In order to make the summit accessible to all, we cover all the major expenses for selected changemakers. The application fee, which is less than 0,5% of the average cost per person at the summit, allows us to do so. After participating in the summit, changemakers become eligible to apply for grant funding to implement their ideas, if any fees from the applications are left over, they contribute to this pool of funds. Beyond making the event accessible to selected participants, we hope that by charging an application fee those applying are serious about their commitment to participating at the summit and as part of our network of global changemakers.

All of the team members for the summit work voluntarily and do not receive any of the application fees.
If I am not selected will I get my application fee back?
No, the application fee is nonrefundable, however you will receive a discount code to access our Project Management for Changemakers course for free. Completing the course will give you all the key skills needed to create positive change in your communities as well as make you eligible for grant funding from Global Changemakers, allowing us to still support your journey to create positive change despite the limited number of spots at the summit.
PayPal and Credit/Debit card is not working, how can I pay the application fee?
If PayPal  is not accessible from your country, or you do not have a credit/debit card we recommend you to ask a friend or family member to make the transaction for you. We do not accept bank transfers as they often charge more in commission than the actual application fee. In exceptional cases we may take Western Union transactions. Please get in touch with us at to further inquire about this option.
I cannot afford the application fee, will you sponsor me or give a discount?

Though we understand that many may not be able to afford the application fee, we are not able to sponsor the fee. As Changemakers we need to be resourceful, creative and able to communicate our goals. These are all qualities and skills that can assist you in raising the funds for the application fee.


For ideas, check out our Fundraising Tool Kit here.

You can also watch this webinar on fundraising here.


If you are a refugee, please contact us at

If I am not selected, can I pay for myself to attend?

Unfortunately not. Changemakers are selected through a competitive selection process.


I don't speak English, can I still apply?

All of the sessions at the summit will be conducted in English and so a working understanding of the language is key. We will assess this through your application video and through an interview for those who make it to the third round of selection.

I am 20 years old and will turn 21 in 2024, may I still apply?

Yes, but only if you will be 21 at the time of the summit. So if you were born before 21 October ,2003, you can apply.

I am 29 years old but will turn 30 in 2024, may I still apply?

Yes, you can apply, so long as you are still 29 years old during the Summit. If you were born after 25 October 1994, you can apply.

Is there a specific quota for people from each country?

No. We will strive for geographic and gender representation as far as possible, but otherwise no. The Global Changemakers network also has people of all nationalities, religions, major languages, ethnicities, races, backgrounds, genders, sexualities and areas of work, everyone can be a changemaker.

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